Community Contacts Image Messaging System

Posted by: scoopseven 15 years ago

Final changes to community: Done 4/7/09 In email when someone sends you a message Mark Kecko has sent you a message from the MediaPost Community in Subject Put the block below the message Done 4/8/09 When someone adds a contact, send email to person who was added Kelly has added you as a contact, put in link to kelly's email. Do not give up email Done 4/7/09 Do breadcrumbs MediaPost Community >> People Finder >> JeffMediapostCOm MediaPost Community >> My Contacts >> JeffMediaPostCom Be nice to know who is in your contact list, so no matter how you get to their profile you can always do "My Contacts" breadcrumb correctly.  Done 4/8/09 This profile is unavailable for private people members'  Done 4/8/09 People who leave comments who are private are unclickable Done 4/8/09 When someone has no friends, make thier left hand block look nice Done 4/7/09 View profile link in left hand box doesn't work (make pic hot too) Done 4/9/09 Privacy box at bottom of My Profile page Eventually, let only my friends see me Done 4/8/09 Make sure TopNav Dir-People Finder -> Community-People Finder Done 4/9/09 Contacts on full contacts page order by alpha by last name Done 4/9/09 - ordering randomly on these fields (m_fname,m_lname,date_added,m_aid) randomly asc/desc On left hand page, do something reason but Do same random logic for looking at someone else's contacts/profiles Done 4/12/09 - Put box below contacts on left hand side, my networks Jonathan's Networks -> Right underneath his profile, before his contacts  Done 4/12/09 - View My Profile, also hot, also views profile. If it's you on profile page - Update My Profile Underneath your own big picture --> Update your profile picture. Done 4/12/09 - Order for networks Twitter > Facebook > then as I have it  Done 4/12/09 - In topNav make, My Profile -> View My Profile Done 4/14/09 - Make forward to correct location #Contacts -> #Photos: -> #Videos: -> #Profile: -> #Home: ->  Done 4/13/09 - Unsubscribe option in messages from MediaPost community What happens when someone friends somebody, removes, then re-adds them.  When someone unsubscribes from Community Emails, I stopped showing the "Send Message" Link  Done 4/12/09 - Links back to profiles in Feedback Loop newsletter. Done 4/14/09 - Make My Calendar fit into new Community look/feel MPC >> My Calendar in breadcrumbs  ================================================================ Put in place on fadlive 4/2/09 Test flat image without Ext2 library here: Install CF patch for cfimage ================================================================ 3/19/09 - Met with Jeff re: People Finder Add new columns to members table Add table for one-to-many contacts Create People Finder page 1. small people finder box on left 2. your (linkedin) box 3. your contacts list (scrollable) Doing a search from small PF box brings results in left column Clicking on a result fills breadcrumbs with "Search Results For" and displays that profile in left hand column. Add About Me/Photo/Privacy Setting to My Account/Profile page for people registering and updating their profile. Just Need Privacy Contact This Person About This Person Photo -> Smaller Contacts Profile photo + About text + Groups: Photos: Videos: Stole data from Converdge, first round 3/11/09 2,274 from pics export 2,231 matched to mp database on email from pics export 2,409 from "last visit" export -> converdge_lastvisit_010109_031109.xls 2,046 out of 2,409 were new, so 363 were already exported from pics export; after "last visit" and pics exports are combined, 4,260 out of 4,320 match in mp2.members on email addy. Account Settings -> Privacy Settings that Exist We care about your privacy on We allow you to control how other members can contact you, view your media and your profile. Limited profile Who can view my profile: anyone just me my friends only my friends by categories: view categories Who can comment on my media & profile: just me my friends by categories: [Load categories] my friends only anyone Who can contact: anyone just me my friends only my friends by categories: select articles.* from articles where art_made_live_date > '2009-01-08' and ((art_tags like '%mobile%') or (art_category like '%mobile%') or (art_headline like '%mobile%') or (art_search_extra like '%mobile%')) [11:28] JLoechner: select articles.*, match (art_headline,art_short,art_body,art_search_extra,art_tags) against ('nokia,verizon,sprint,mobile,iphone,android') AS score from articles where art_made_live_date > '2008-12-07' and match (art_headline,art_short,art_body,art_search_extra,art_tags) against ('nokia,verizon,sprint,mobile,iphone,android') order by score desc

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